Harbour construction and hydraulic engineering
Construction of the Ruila artificial rapids and restoration of the impoundment area of the decommissioned Ruila reservoir
Client: Saue municipal goverment
Location: Saue, Harjumaa
Year: 2024
Shore reinforcement in the north-western part of Vanasadama
Client: AS Tallinna sadam
Location: Logi tn 2 // 4 // Sadama tn 25, Tallinn
Year: 2022
Dredging works in the Old City Harbor aquatory
Client: AS Tallinna Sadam
Location: Tallinn
Year: 2022
Construction of the Nõva harbor pier
Client: Lääne-Nigula Municipal Goverment
Location: Rannaküla, Lääne County
Year: 2022
Skulte port, step 2
Client: Skultes ostas parvalde
Location: Saulkrasti, Latvia
Year: 2022
Installation of new protector belts on quays 3, 5, 6 and 8 in Muuga harbour.
Client: AS Tallinna sadam
Location: Muuga, Tallinn
Year: 2022
Reconstruction and dredging of Papissaare Harbour
Client: AS Saarte Liinid
Location: Rootsiküla, Saaremaa
Year: 2021
Reconstruction of Mustvee Harbour
Client: Mustvee Vallavalitsus
Location: Mustvee, Jõgeva County
Year: 2021
Restoration works of quay No. 1 of Kuivastu Harbor
Client: AS Saarte Liinid
Location: Kuivastu, Muhu
Year: 2021
Estonian Gate dredging works
Client: Transpordiamet
Location: Lämmijärv
Year: 2021
Reconstruction of Linnamäe hydroelectric power station dam
Client: Wooluvabrik OÜ
Location: Jõelähtme, Harjumaa
Year: 2021
Reconstruction of Sviby Port quay
Client: AS Saarte Liinid
Location: Vormsi
Year: 2021
Estonian University of Life Sciences Centre for Limnology slipway construction works
Client: Eesti Maaülikool
Location: Elva, Tartu County
Year: 2021
Design and construction of two tower bollards at Muuga Harbor quay No. 13
Client: AS Tallinna sadam
Location: Muuga, Tallinn
Year: 2021
Reconstruction of quay no 1 of Kihnu Harbour
Client: AS Saarte Liinid
Location: Kihnu
Year: 2021
Reidi road shore protection stone slope construction
Client: Tallinna Keskkonna-ja Kommunaalamet
Location: Tallinn, Harju County
Year: 2020
Reconstruction of Värati Marina
Client: Pärnu Linnavalitsus
Location: Värati, Pärnu County
Year: 2020
Construction of Türisalu wastewater treatment plant exhaust pipe to sea
Client: RVT Ehitus OÜ
Location: Harku, Harju County
Year: 2020
Design, delivery and installation of small vessels wastewater treatment plants in Kelnas and Leppneeme ports
Client: Viimsi Vallavalitsus
Location: Prangli and Viimsi, Harju County
Year: 2020
Repair and reinforcement of quays no 11,12 and 13 of Muuga Port
Client: AS Tallinna Sadam
Location: Maardu, Harju County
Year: 2020
Alliklepa Marina (Step 1)
Client: Alliklepa sadam OÜ
Location: Alliklepa, Harju County
Year: 2019
Shore protection and slip construction of the Skulte river harbour promenade
Client: Skultes ostas parvalde
Location: Skulte, Latvia
Year: 2019
Reconstruction of Muratsi Harbour
Client: MTÜ Muratsi Kalur
Location: Muratsi, Saaremaa
Year: 2018
Reconstruction of Narva-Jõesuu harbour
Client: Narva-Jõesuu Linnavalitsus
Location: Narva-Jõesuu, Ida-Viru County
Year: 2018
Nasva River harbour reconstruction, stage 1
Client: Lääne-Saare Linnavalitsus
Location: Nasva, Saaremaa
Year: 2018
Reconstruction works of Skulte port
Client: Skultes ostas parvalde
Location: Saulkrasti, Latvia
Year: 2018
Construction works for reinforced concrete structures
Client: Baltic Workboats AS
Location: Nasva, Saare County
Year: 2016
Rohuküla harbour berth No. 7 fender replacement
Client: AS Saarte Liinid
Location: Rohuküla, Lääne County
Year: 2017
Dredging of the Ujula – Abaja
Client: Kuressaare Linnavalitsus
Location: Ujula – Abaja, Kuressaare, Saaremaa
Year: 2017
Reconstruction of the Hara port
Client: Noarootsi Vallavalitsus
Location: Hara, Lääne County
Year: 2017
Reconstruction of the Mõntu port quays, step 2
Client: Minu Kodukant Sõrve MTÜ
Location: Mõntu, Saaremaa
Year: 2017
Reconstruction and dredging of the Sõru port quays
Client: AS Saarte Liinid
Location: Sõru, Hiiumaa
Year: 2017
Reconstruction and dredging of the Triigi port quays
Client: AS Saarte Liinid
Location: Triigi, Saaremaa
Year: 2017
Reconstruction of the Vanasadama port quays
Client: AS Tallinna Sadam
Location: Tallinn, Harju County
Year: 2016
Kaberneeme marina reconstruction
Client: Kaberneeme Marina OÜ
Location: Kordoni tee 20, Jõelähtme, Harju County
Year: 2015
Reconstruction of the Mõntu port quays
Client: Sadamate Haldamise MTÜ
Location: Mõntu, Saaremaa
Year: 2015
Westmer fishing port construction, reconstruction and construction of repair hall
Client: Sadamate Haldamise MTÜ
Location: Kaluri 32, Haapsalu, Lääne County
Year: 2014
Construction of the Mõntu slmall craft harbour
Client: OÜ Minu Kodukant
Location: Mõntu, Saaremaa
Year: 2014
Reconstruction of the Paslepa port
Client: OÜ Hansaassets
Location: Paslepa, Lääne County
Year: 2013
Reconstruction of the Westmer recreational craft port
Client: Morobell OÜ
Location: Westmeri 1, Haapsalu
Year: 2011
- Tuleviku tee 10, Rae vald, Harjumaa
- +372 662 0365
- info@bauest.ee